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Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

Agriculture contributes to climate change and is affected by climate change. Agricultural farming in particular releases significant amounts of methane and nitrous oxide which are two powerful greenhouse gases. Climate change affects the agriculture in many ways, warmer air temperatures affect the length of the growing season, extreme temperatures and difference in precipitation affects the crop productivity , water stress in summer months, rainfall patterns, etc.,. Crop yields are expected to vary at a high graph due to extreme weathers . Reduction in agricultural productivity leads to increase in food prices.  More at: Contact us at to submit abstract on this session.
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In many regions due to recent climate changes there are many significant impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem . Human beings are negatively affected due to the loss of biodiversity, this loss may cause food security, vulnerability to natural disasters , energy security, and access to clean water and raw materials. Factors that lead to loss of biodiversity are land use change, climate change, invasive species, overexploitation, and pollution.  Sub Track Biodiversity management Habitats Ecosystem Diversity Species Diversity Genetic Diversity Impact on Humanity More at: Submit abstract under this session at

Aquaculture & Fisheries Management

Effect of Climate change and change in extreme weather events causes impact in water shortages, ocean warming and acidification, sea level rise, adverse changes in water quality, sediment loading, or rapid fluctuations in salinity, productivity of marine ecosystems . Populations of marine organisms will undergo changes in density and geographic distribution and fishery yields will fall. Potential impacts on physical and biological variables were described with emphasis on such topics as biodiversity, disease, and the availability of fishmeal. Estuaries, coral reefs, mangroves and sea grass beds will be affected due to changes. Submit abstract on this session at or you can email us at

Marine Science Research & Development

Climate changes   affecting aquaculture are reflected by temperature changes in water and air, particularly surface temperatures in marine conditions and other alterations in oceanographic conditions, including currents, wind speed and waves. Change in extreme weather conditions, as storms causing material damage; marine organism will be affected by stresses and physiological effects , affecting growth and development which leads to diseases and infections. Join us to discuss about your research thoughts and ideas under this Marine Science Research & Development session. Share us your abstract at: or email us at;

Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities. The current focus of  climate science  involves  CO2 emissions . Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a blanket over the planet by trapping long wave radiation, which would otherwise radiate heat away from the planet. The aim of the session is to talk about  Why Should We Care about Climate Change?  and how climate will change over the next century is of vital importance - both for our economy and for society. More at:

Global Warming and Consequences

Few evidences earlier have shown that during 2000 to 2009 was hotter than any other decade in at least the past 1,300 years. Mainly cause of global warming is CO2 pollution , deforestation and burning of fossil fuels.  CliEnviro 2020 invites abstract submission under this session, as the main concept of this session is to discuss about the preventive measures to control global warming. You can submit through online at: or you can also email us at ;

Organizing Committee Member & Keynote Speaker

It is our honor and pleasure to invite you as an Organizing committee member & Keynote Speaker for Annual Meeting on Climate and Environmental Sciences scheduled to be held at Bangkok, Thailand during October 05-06, 2020. The conference theme would be – Exploring Innovative Technologies to Prevent Global Warming. We welcome you to join us and share your knowledge & views at CliEnviro 2020 . More at: